donderdag 9 mei 2013


Mentale gezondheid.   mei 2013.

Editie Puffin Books, Modern Classics, 2002.

" Oh well. So much comes into my head at night when I'am alone, or during the day when I'm obliged to put up with people I can't abide or who invariably misinterpret my intentions. That is why I always come back to MY DIARY - I start there and end there because Kitty's always patient. I promise her that, despite eveything, I 'll keeg going, that I'll find my own way and choke back my tears. I only wish I could see some results or, just once, receive encouragement from someone who loves me.

Don't condemn me, but think of me as a person who sometimes reaches bursting point ! 

Yours, Anne.

Enkele gegevens.

- ° 12 juni 1929
ze stierf in gevangenschap in Bergen - Belsen, drie maanden na haar zestiende verjaardag.

Otto H. Frank was het enige lid van haar directe famillie de de Holocaust overleefde. Hij stierf in 1980.

Verklaar volgende concepten :

- nazisme, Holocaust, totalitaire regimes
- intellectueel - moreel icoon
- belang van een dagboek
- punctum
- bespreek het punctum van het weergegeven citaat, leg de link met het concept 'mentale gezondheid'.

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